pmu (process memory usage)

pmu zeigt die Speicherbelegung eines Prozesses an.

usage: pmu [OPTIONS] [PID]
Displays memory usage of one or all processes.
  -s  Display memory usage values in human-readable form.
  -r  Unformatted, one-line output. Can be used for script execution.
  -P  Only display PID.
  -N  Only display process name.
  -U  Only display process UID.
  -T  Only display total memory usage.
  -R  Only display physical memory usage.
  -h  Displays this help.
  -V  Displays program version information.
If no PID is given, pmu shows the output of "pmu -r" for every process.
If no option out of -PNUTR is given, pmu behaves like "pmu -PNTR".
If option -s is not given, all memory usage values will be displayed as bytes.
pmu is an abbrevation for process memory usage.


pmu-1.0.tgz (8,5 KB)
